Business Tax Returns

Services available for businesses include: 

  • Tax preparation
  • Financial statement preparation
  • GST/HST filings
  • Bookkeeping
  • Bank reconciliations
  • T4 and T5 slip preparation and submission
  • Advisory services and more.


All resident corporations are required file a corporation income tax (T2) return every tax year even if there is no tax payable.

The type of companies that are required to submit returns include:

  • Incorporated companies
  • Not-for profit organisations
  • Partnerships

Corporation income tax returns are due within six months of the end of each organization’s year end date. For example, if your tax year ends March 31, your filing due date is September 30. 

Business tax return process includes creating annual Compilation Engagement Financial Statements and using high quality tax software to calculate tax payable.

As part of our service offerings, we advise each client on what information is needed to ensure you receive the highest refund or lowest payable tax.

We recommend that bookkeeping and tax preparation services should be combined as it will result in much lower costs of overall accounting services and ensure quicker submissions to Canada Revenue Agency.